We have one main goal for our corporate clients: train and educate business owners on applicable, Florida employment law to ensure their employees never come seeking our help.

Even in the most successful business, workplace squabbles are almost impossible to avoid.  Conflicting personalities and differences of opinion are often inevitable.  If handled improperly, these minor disputes can, and often do, lead to time-consuming, expensive, and burdensome litigation.

Allow us to make sure that never happens to you.  At Obeidy & Associates, P.A., our goal is to empower clients through knowledge and training.  Courts frequently opine that “ignorance of the law is no excuse,” but Business Owners can’t solve problems they don’t know exist.  Ask yourself: Are you aware of all of the discrimination and harassment laws applicable to your business based on its size and location?  Are you aware of which employees should be receiving overtime compensation and which employees may be lawfully exempt?  Do you know what type of accommodations you must make for clients and employees that may be handicapped?

Only after you have been fully advised on all of the laws applicable to the type of business you are running, can you be truly empowered to prevent against future legal action.  At Obeidy & Associates, P.A., we will walk you through every applicable law and help you structure your internal policies and procedures to make sure you are fully adhering to same.  Give us a call today to see how we can help you with your Compliance Training.

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